
Mon, Apr 02

08:59 [超!A&G+]金曜最後の玉音放送も終わってしまったな…そして今日から月曜の玉音放送が始まる… #ladygo #agqr 14:10 it is dirty to read something to peruse whilst eating something juicy, methinks 14:12 RT @kawayasu: 聴講させて頂きます。RT@mori…

Tue, Apr 03

09:05 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/uCyjswnc 12:13 one has not gain so much reward even as devoting oneself miserably, be said a firm animal(社畜) in japanese, not farm animal. 12:34 though I…