
Tue, Jul 31

06:39 さあ、今日もがんばろう。 07:02 私は、この時代という的を撃ちぬくことができるのだろうか。 07:27 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/zh0WH5pU 11:21 perchance because of having slumber in malpost…

Mon, Jul 30

06:34 it is high time 06:40 「割り切れない」と思う人もいるんだなぁ。3年後には散り散りになって、ああなる、そういう可能性だと思ってる。だから「今」が「ゆるゆり」なんだと思う。=>ゆるゆりスピンオフ「大室家」は「ゆるゆり」なの? - Togetter htt…

Sun, Jul 29

05:47 if possible I desire to consume cusine using anguilla, i wonder. 06:03 ゆるゆりの作中で、ごらく部が形成している時間とか環境って、あまりにも儚いんだよ。涙が出そうになる。 06:09 deporting yourself in such form, you will catch grippe. 0…

Sat, Jul 28

05:49 malreputation for ALT : viewing // Controversy: Native Speaker vs. Non-Native Speaker | English Teaching Jobs in Turkey http://t.co/TcSlWI5R 06:28 Olympic? Good, I shall depart. 06:29 elsewhere it doesn't force me to inform on that 0…

Fri, Jul 27

06:46 ちっ、戦国コレクション、狂気愈絶好調のようなので、ますます見ねばなるまいて。大久保さん、上坂さんに続いて堀江さんとかヘブンすぎるだろwww 12:30 頑張ってください=> #mynavinews 【連載】恋愛勝ち組になる! (32) 結婚相手に経済力を求めて何が…

Thu, Jul 26

05:54 confrontation with intense ravenousness. 06:08 I may as well as rouse certainly. "dormant" 06:58 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/pAX47naE 11:32 日本も隣国と仲良いとは言えないけど、こんな…

Wed, Jul 25

06:04 Scalding 06:07 typhoon, please not come from ultramarine this subsequent 10 days. I am being occupied. 07:16 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/1ovJHaYO 16:09 マジか。2007年の私に会いたいな…

Tue, Jul 24

06:50 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/uOdFLkOz 11:41 幼稚園とか小学生低学年頃まで将来の夢が「宇宙飛行士」とかあったけど、あれどっから来たんだろう?スポーツ選手とかなら分かるよ。テレビでやってる…

Mon, Jul 23

06:42 @Verenalj9 please resign it [in reply to Verenalj9] 06:45 面白いね。=>パソコンのキーボードを使ってスマートフォンに文字入力 : ギズモード・ジャパン http://t.co/enWZdxA4 06:53 sorbet, I desire. 07:39 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸…

Sun, Jul 22

14:12 i have failed. here not prihibiting taking cigarette during congesting hour. there is smoking and i am fuming. help 14:29 I'm at タリーズコーヒー 京都寺町通り店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/b6OaTFCh 19:09 鉛筆で書きすぎて握力出…

Sat, Jul 21

06:24 veg are salubrious and i am constitutional. 06:32 incidentally, at a restaurant, I collected califolower and brocolli and carrot on my dish. But several of them were practically putrid. 06:59 角川さん、ぱねぇ。=>「生徒会の一存」最新…

Fri, Jul 20

05:46 よかったなぁ。 // 第3話「チョコと涙と女と女と磯辺揚げ」 | TVアニメ「ゆるゆり♪♪」スペシャルサイト http://t.co/Xvbptw91 05:53 joyous for the marriage of Kanda Akemi, a voice actress. 05:56 i may turn off the refrigerator in my chambre …

Thu, Jul 19

10:21 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/jVugZDMa 19:27 あとは密林さんにも手を回せれば完璧だね=>2ちゃんねるがライブドアとFC2へまとめサイトに「一切の広告を載せない措置」を行うように警告 - GIGAZINE …

Wed, Jul 18

06:59 Olympic? i wonder it hasn't finished up. 07:41 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区, 京都府) http://t.co/JElnXiS5 11:22 RT @sabas: Finally, the Kinect killer app: http://t.co/Vmp0TN7i \o/ 11:23 Kinectすげぇ。→ラブ…

Tue, Jul 17

08:00 やばい寝坊した 12:49 10年も経てば、私達が当たり前のようにブラインドタッチを覚えたように、空気のようにUNIX/LINUXコマンドを使いこなし、プログラムを読み書きする子達がうじゃうじゃ出てくるんじゃないかな。ただ、惜しむらくは、機械語を読める…

Mon, Jul 16

00:09 terrible //bonbon land - Google 検索 http://t.co/Tobk8Cjw 06:19 i am consuming gaufre 06:23 わーい、大昔の賀茂川みたいだー。(不謹慎)=>京都の鴨川がえらいことになってるwwwwwwww | アンダーワールド http://t.co/tt2evQWi 07:43 I'…

Sun, Jul 15

06:23 it may be that I should enter university afresh 06:27 i foud it that accel world have changed its OP 06:32 it looks attractive. interesting events likely to occure..wwww 13:16 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸ビル店 (京都市中京区,…

Sat, Jul 14

06:00 emtpty. i hall eat gaufre 06:02 確かに、デザイナーでこれぐらいプログラム書ければ無敵だよ。=>WebデザイナーのためのJavaScript、jQueryの勉強法 - ウェブデザイナーになるには http://t.co/UNXSCf11 07:20 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京都三条烏丸…

Fri, Jul 13

06:51 since having reposed without blanket, my gorge has a suspicion of pain. though I have consecutive vacation of 3days, after this Friday. 07:01 まあバビロンのイシュタル神殿みたいなもんだと思えばいいさ。 07:36 I'm at Starbucks Coffee 京…

Thu, Jul 12

07:09 for pelting, I am reluctant to go. Well, I am going finally 12:31 i am not capable to exist without headphone with noise-canceling function. 21:37 exceedingly exhausted. my vigour would be fractured, if the subsequent Monday were not…

Wed, Jul 11

06:26 before a few years, when the amazon in Japan commenced to supply toys, I used to regard it agressive and intrepid. 06:29 but time has proved they are absolutely correct and not unafraid but tactical as the radiant result. 06:37 i won…

Tue, Jul 10

06:31 frigid 06:34 see, when after all didi Japan transfer to soughern hemisphere. too frigid even when it's in summer 06:40 AWS見てると、そのうちサーバーまでタダになりそうで恐ろしいよ。//Amazon が通り過ぎた後に、どれだけのクラウドが生き残…

Mon, Jul 09

06:31 it is being frigid a touch. 06:39 viewing the timeline masticating gaufre over the clavier. 06:45 it ought to be the sun luminously radiant, superjacent to sombre vapour. Frigid. Sun, do your original affair immediately. 06:55 rebel…

Sun, Jul 08

00:10 when glance at the clock, the superリア充 time had finished. Hi, July 8th. 06:35 @Fiapia "they" is "books in Japanese" and Stockholm is romote from Japan, the almost reverse part of the eart for Stockholm, isn't it? [in reply to Fiap…

Sat, Jul 07

06:49 i have slumbered too much today. it's almost 7am. 06:53 oh ,it's July 7th, isn't it? 06:55 well, though it's, I shall not attach any aspiration on branch of bamboo. 06:57 after all, I don't have bamboo and no place to picking it up o…

Fri, Jul 06

07:07 terrible//(Muscle Beach Competition http://t.co/a137SgKU 07:11 ah, it is that the measure was approved... //The future of health care: Federalising Medicaid | The Economist http://t.co/rZOLyODm 07:13 insurance is beneficial, pariall…

Thu, Jul 05

06:59 viewing // Appy Geek http://t.co/WTWjy6a0 07:05 nobody can convict deceased people of their crimes, which they did while animate, afresh. That will be convenient some of them. 14:13 it's pelting. i wonder even when to go alfresco tod…

Wed, Jul 04

06:09 masticating gaufre 06:12 i wonder why the starbucks adjacent to my inhabitation doesn't provide gaufre. Well, however even if it commence it, I will not purchase it. 06:15 because asortment being marketed in starbucks are extortionat…

Tue, Jul 03

02:18 frigid rather than refreshing 02:32 RT @r_yurihime: 【大室家】第1話はっじまっるよ〜♪ 1話目なので2話目以降よりボリューム多めですが、あくまでショート漫画ですので過度な期待はしないでください。→ http://t.co/OvJUQW8H 02:35 殺伐とした家族…

Mon, Jul 02

06:26 VMware は OpenFlow を静観する_1 ? Agile Cat ? in the cloud http://t.co/9Ox6JoUh 06:39 Monday s large, too immense enemy for diminutive individuals to battle with fragile courage, 06:42 not collapsing, survive through the Monday. 06:4…